

Here are some examples of how to make scripts: either adhoc with ‘run’ or by modifying laoban.json

Execute a command if a guard is true

For example compile

  "compile": {
    "description": "Compiles the projects",
    "guard":       {"value": "${packageDetails.details.compile}", "default": true},
    "commands":    [{"name": "tsc", "command": "tsc --noEmit false --outDir dist", "status": true}]

When I make a command like this I often also include

    "ls-compile":      {
      "description": "lists projects that will be compiled",
      "guard":       "${packageDetails.details.compile}",
      "commands":    ["js:process.cwd()"]

A command that executes in a different directory

Here we have a command that is executed in the ‘dist’ subdirectory of each package

  "demosRunningInADifferentDirectory": {
    "description": "shows how to run a script in a different directory",
    "commands":    [
      {"command": "js:process.cwd()", "directory": "dist"}

Execute a command differently depending on a guard value

This depending on the language defined in the package.details.json file. If the language is not defined then nothing will be executed

  "compile": {
    "description": "Compiles the project (either java or typescript)",
    "commands":    [
        "name":  "compile", "command": "tsc", "status": true,
        "guard": {"value": "${packageDetails.details.language}", "equals": "typescript"}
        "name":  "compile", "command": "mvn compile", "status": true,
        "guard": {"value": "${packageDetails.details.language}", "equals": "java"}

Execute a command with a default value

For example we want to test projects unless the project has test set to false. Thus if it’s not defined the tests will still run

  "test": {
    "description": "runs ${packageManager} test",
    "guard":       {"value": "${projectDetails.details.test}", "default": true},
    "commands":    [{"name": "test", "command": "${packageManager} test", "status": true}]

Execute a command differently on windows or linux

For example we want to run a script differently on windows or linux.

  "clean": {
    "description": "Compiles the project (either java or typescript)",
    "commands":    [
        "name":  "compile", "command": "echo Linux ${packageDirectory}", "status": true,
        "guard": {"value": "${os}", "equals": "Windows_NT"}
        "name":  "compile", "command": "echo Windows ${packageDirectory}", "status": true,
        "guard": {"value": "${os}", "equals": "Linux"}

Execute a command depending on the packageManager

A good example here is the npm install command which on yarn is just yarn. There is no real point doing yarn in each package if you are using workspaces, but not everyone does.

  "install": {
    "description": "Installs the project",
    "commands":    [
        "name":  "install", "command": "yarn", "status": true,
        "guard": {"value": "${packageManager}", "equals": "yarn"}
        "name":  "install", "command": "npm install", "status": true,
        "guard": {"value": "${packageManager}", "equals": "npm"}


Purpose Command
Copy a license file to each project laoban run 'cp ${laobanDirectory}/ ${packageDirectory}'
remove the dist directories laoban run 'file:rmDir(dist)'
remove the target directories laoban run 'file:rmDir(target)'
remove node_modules directories laoban run 'file:rmDir(node_modules)'